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Bash for Programmers
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Gain insights into the power of the command line. Learn about Linux BASH through theoretical and practical exercises, mastering essential concepts and commands for efficient programming.
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Course Overview

Ever wondered why command line is still in use even when there are hundreds of human-friendly GUI’s and tools available? Everyone in the programmer's world would agree on one thing: Command Line is far more powerful than any GUI. It provides a richer experience in terms of speed and expressiveness. For beginners, it might be hard to appreciate its beauty and a little challenging to shift from an interactive interface to a blank box with just a “$” sign showing that keeps prompting the user to enter complex...Show More
Ever wondered why command line is still in use even when there are hundreds of human-friendly GUI’s and tools available? Everyon...Show More

Course Content


File Manipulation Commands

7 Lessons

Examine essential file manipulation commands in Bash, covering creation, deletion, viewing, moving, copying, and zipping.


Permission Commands

3 Lessons

Break down complex ideas on file and directory permissions and the chmod command.


Filtering & Searching Commands

7 Lessons

Dig into advanced Bash commands for locating, sorting, filtering, and searching text efficiently.


System & Process Commands

5 Lessons

Follow the process of managing processes, jobs, root access, and terminating processes in Bash.


Variables and Environment

7 Lessons

Practice using Bash for managing variables, software packages, and Git efficiently.


An Overview of Commands

2 Lessons

Learn how to use essential Bash commands and assess your knowledge with a final quiz.
Certificate of Completion
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