HomeCoursesLearn Front-End Development and Automated Testing with Angular


450h 40min

Learn Front-End Development and Automated Testing with Angular
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Gain insights into modern web development and automated testing with Angular. Delve into test-driven development, unit, integration, and end-to-end testing while building a practical app for your portfolio.
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Table of Contents
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Course Overview

In this course, you will build an application, “Let’s Get Lunch”, for a company to help employees coordinate lunches and happy hours. This course covers modern web development and automated testing using the Angular framework. This course will dive deeply into test setup, unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. We’ll follow a test-driven development approach in our development cycle. You’ll be provided with a code repository that will serve as the API that your Angular application will ...Show More
In this course, you will build an application, “Let’s Get Lunch”, for a company to help employees coordinate lunches and happy h...Show More


Learn various features like directives, routing, and forms provided by Angular.
Learn to interact with an API using Angular.
Learn automated testing using Angular.
Learn unit, integration, and E2E testing.
Learn to test using Karma, Jasmine, and Cypress.
Learn various features like directives, routing, and forms provided by Angular.

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Course Content


Before We Begin

6 Lessons

Get familiar with modern web development, Angular, automated testing, and essential development tools.


API Setup and Installation

5 Lessons

Get started with API setup, running, verifying, and finalizing the installation.


Introduction to Angular

7 Lessons

Examine Angular's essential features, including CLI, modules, services, directives, and pipes.


Let's Develop Client-Side

8 Lessons

Apply your skills to develop Angular client-side apps with routing, components, and styles.


Apps' Testing Refresher

5 Lessons

Map out the steps for effective app testing, from unit tests to TDD practices.


Route Guard (AuthGuard)

6 Lessons

Learn how to use Angular AuthGuards for securing routes and conducting authentication tests.


Navigation Bar

8 Lessons

Get started with integrating and testing a dynamic navigation bar in Angular using AuthService and Cypress.


User Login

7 Lessons

Master the steps to implement and test a robust user login feature using Angular and Cypress.


Event Update

7 Lessons

Apply your skills to updating events with components, forms, E2E tests, and addressing security issues.


Route Guard (EventGuard)

4 Lessons

Map out the steps for implementing and testing a route guard for event ownership.


Deploy to Heroku

6 Lessons

Implement practices to deploy an Angular app with API to Heroku and secure it.


Appendix: Practice

2 Lessons

Practice using public APIs and mocked services for enhanced Angular development experience.


Appendix: Installation

3 Lessons

Step through installing Angular, Cypress for testing, and Heroku CLI for deployment.



1 Lessons

Look at the completion milestone and reflect on your progress and aspirations forward.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.
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