HomeCoursesPython FTW: Under the Hood



Python FTW: Under the Hood
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Delve into Python's hidden mechanisms and discover essential tools and tricks to avoid common mistakes. Gain insights into Python hacks and improve your programming skills effortlessly.
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Course Overview

When you run code in Python, there’s a lot happening under the hood. This course sheds light on some of the interesting parts of Python you might be unaware of. As you progress through it, you’ll learn some tools and tricks that every Python programmer should know to avoid common mistakes. You can think of the course as a “Python hacks” handbook. Python basics are a prerequisite, but this is a beginner-level course. Each lesson is independent and after the first chapter, you can pick up from any lesson ...Show More
When you run code in Python, there’s a lot happening under the hood. This course sheds light on some of the interesting parts of...Show More


Learn to work with Python's unexpected quirks
Avoid some of the more common errors Python developers come across
Writer better Python code
Learn to work with Python's unexpected quirks

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with Python's elegant design, surprising outcomes, and effective learning methods.


Slippery Slopes

30 Lessons

Unpack the core of Python's scope handling, object deletion intricacies, and iterable modification challenges.


Appearances Are Deceptive!

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Python's handling of encoding, memory management, and coding practices.



9 Lessons

Simplify complex topics of Python string operations, dictionary optimizations, and unique quirks.


Contributions & Acknowledgements

2 Lessons

Practice using contributions and community acknowledgements to enhance Python FTW's development.
Certificate of Completion
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