HomeCoursesCraft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe


10h 30min

Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe
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Gain insights into crafting GraphQL APIs with Elixir's Absinthe. Explore building schemata, securing endpoints, and integrating frontends to master creating, publishing, and utilizing robust GraphQL APIs.
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Course Overview

GraphQL is an API query language that allows clients to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more makes it easier to evolve APIs over time. This course is divided into three parts, Part 1- Build a GraphQL API, Part 2- Publish Your API, and Part-3 Use Your API. In the first part, you will cover topics ranging from basic GraphQL, Building GraphQL Schema, Taking User Input, Adding Flexibility, Making a Change with Mutations, and Going Live with Subscriptions. In the second part, you will cover topics...Show More
GraphQL is an API query language that allows clients to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more makes it easier to evolv...Show More


What is GraphQL?
How to publish GraphQL API?
How to use API building in GraphQL?
What is GraphQL?

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with GraphQL APIs in Elixir, covering schema, middleware, and integration.


Meet GraphQL

6 Lessons

Look at GraphQL's advantages, client-server interactions, schemas, queries, and using Absinthe.


Building Schema of GraphQL

7 Lessons

Work your way through creating and testing GraphQL schemas with Absinthe in Elixir.


Adding Flexibility

7 Lessons

Solve problems in organizing schemas, importing fields, and using abstract types for flexibility.


Making a Change with Mutations

8 Lessons

Follow the process of implementing GraphQL mutations, defining types, resolvers, testing, and handling errors.


Going Live with Subscriptions

7 Lessons

Build on integrating real-time features in Elixir with GraphQL subscriptions using Absinthe.


Resolution Middleware

5 Lessons

Try out managing error-handling and middleware implementation in Absinthe for efficient GraphQL APIs.


Securing with Authentication and Authorization

8 Lessons

Unpack the core of securing GraphQL APIs in Elixir with authentication and authorization.


Tuning Resolution

5 Lessons

Examine strategies to optimize GraphQL resolution using efficient query techniques and plugins in Elixir.


Driving Phoenix Actions with GraphQL

5 Lessons

Apply your skills to build Phoenix actions with GraphQL for listing, input handling, complex querying, and order history.


Integrating with the Front-end

8 Lessons

Solve problems in integrating GraphQL APIs with front-end frameworks like Apollo and Relay.



1 Lessons

Implement foundational GraphQL API concepts in Elixir, encouraging ongoing learning and community engagement.
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