HomeCoursesMastering Serverless Computing for Data Science



Mastering Serverless Computing for Data Science
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Explore serverless computing with AWS Lambda, deploy ML pipelines, and manage applications efficiently without infrastructure worries.
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Course Overview

Serverless computing makes the life of a developer easy by eliminating the pains of managing servers. You only need to write code—the serverless cloud services, such as AWS Lambda Functions, take care of infrastructure on their own. The Serverless framework provides easy to use commands and dashboards to make it even easier to use cloud services. In this course, you’ll learn what serverless computing is and how the Serverless framework works. You’ll then get hands-on experience developing and deploying an ...Show More
Serverless computing makes the life of a developer easy by eliminating the pains of managing servers. You only need to write cod...Show More


An understanding of serverless computing
Mastery over the use of the Serverless framework in conjunction with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud
The ability to dockerize a machine learning model
Hands-on experience building an end-to-end machine learning pipeline in AWS
Mastery over the use of AWS Lambda Functions and Step Functions in the context of data science
An understanding of serverless computing

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Course Content


Serverless Architecture for Data Science

6 Lessons

Examine serverless architectures for data science applications using AWS tools and orchestration.



1 Lessons

Find out about serverless application development for machine learning model serving using AWS.



3 Lessons

Solve problems in configuring AWS and Serverless environments for data science solutions.
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