HomeCoursesKotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices



Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices
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Gain insights into Kotlin language essentials and delve into design patterns and best practices. Discover functional programming techniques to enhance code reuse, robustness, and build reliable, scalable projects.
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Course Overview

Design patterns enable developers to speed up the development process by providing proven development paradigms. Reusing design patterns helps prevent complex issues that can cause major problems. Moreover, it improves your codebase, promotes code reuse, and makes an architecture more robust. In this course, you will start with a gentle introduction of the Kotlin language. You will explore design patterns that are part of the best practices that help developers use Kotlin efficiently. Design patterns appea...Show More
Design patterns enable developers to speed up the development process by providing proven development paradigms. Reusing design ...Show More


Familiarity with the vocabulary of design patterns
Ability to encapsulate object hierarchies and make object behaviors dynamic
Ability to write smarter code in Kotlin
Hands-on practice with Kotlin syntax and its specialized choices to solve special cases
Hands-on experience to implement the design patterns in Kotlin
Ability to select the appropriate set of best practices for a given problem
Familiarity with the vocabulary of design patterns

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Course Content


Working with Creational Patterns

6 Lessons

Solve challenges with advanced Kotlin creational design patterns and object management techniques.


Introducing Functional Programming

7 Lessons

Dig deeper into functional programming principles like immutability, pure functions, and recursion in Kotlin.


Threads and Coroutines

6 Lessons

Follow the process of using threads and coroutines for efficient and responsive concurrent execution.


Controlling the Data Flow

6 Lessons

Build on reactive programming, higher-order functions, and concurrent data structures to manage data flow.


Concurrent Microservices with Ktor

8 Lessons

Go hands-on with setting up Ktor microservices, server configuration, routing, testing, and database connections.


Reactive Microservices with Vert.x

8 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of building reactive microservices with Vert.x, focusing on routing, event loops, and database interaction in Kotlin.



1 Lessons

Take a look at key Kotlin design patterns and best practices to enhance your projects.
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