HomeCoursesIntegrating Firebase with React



Integrating Firebase with React
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Gain insights into integrating Firebase with React, learn basic to advanced features like authentication and session handling, and build seamless web apps with a live VM for real-time code modifications.
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Course Overview

If you've tried to create a web app before, you know it's not always simple. Before you even start coding, you have to decide: which tools and frameworks do you use for the frontend? What platform do you use for the backend? How do you make them work together the way you want? Pairing Firebase with React takes that stress away. Firebase is a cutting-edge backend platform that integrates beautifully with React apps, making your life considerably easier. This course will teach you how to make use of Firebas...Show More
If you've tried to create a web app before, you know it's not always simple. Before you even start coding, you have to decide: w...Show More

Course Content


Getting Started!

7 Lessons

Get familiar with integrating Firebase with React to enhance app development efficiency.


Firebase in React Setup

10 Lessons

Walk through setting up Firebase for React, covering environment configuration, authentication, database, and hosting.


Session Handling

4 Lessons

Break down the steps to integrate and manage user authentication sessions in React with Firebase.


Password Features with Firebase

3 Lessons

Solve problems in integrating Firebase password reset and change functionalities in React.


Firebase Authorization in React

4 Lessons

Simplify complex topics in securing user-specific routes and implementing Firebase authorization in React.


Firebase Real-time Database

5 Lessons

Master the steps to integrate and manage Firebase's Real-time Database with React for effective user data management.
Certificate of Completion
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