HomeCoursesBuilding Real-Life Applications with Blazor WebAssembly



Building Real-Life Applications with Blazor WebAssembly
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Gain insights into building single-page web apps with Blazor WebAssembly. Delve into templated components, JavaScript integration, PWAs, app state, events, and ASP.NET Core hosted apps using C#.
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Course Overview

Blazor WebAssembly is a framework built on the popular and robust ASP.NET framework. It allows you to build single-page web applications that use C# on the client instead of JavaScript. Blazor WebAssembly does not rely on plug-ins or add-ons. It only requires that the browser support WebAssembly. In this course, you will complete practical projects that will teach you the fundamentals of Blazor WebAssembly. Each chapter includes a standalone project with detailed step-by-step instructions. Each project is ...Show More
Blazor WebAssembly is a framework built on the popular and robust ASP.NET framework. It allows you to build single-page web appl...Show More


An understanding of Blazor and its applications to web development
Working knowledge of creating templated components
Hands-on experience developing progressive web applications using Blazor
The ability to invoke JavaScript functions from Blazor using JS Interoperability
The ability to invoke .NET methods from JavaScript using JS interoperability
Familiarity with core components of Blazor, including built-in Razor components, application state, and events
An understanding of Blazor and its applications to web development

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Course Content


Introduction to Blazor WebAssembly

6 Lessons

Get familiar with Blazor WebAssembly, its benefits, hosting models, and development setup.



1 Lessons

Examine key concepts of Blazor WebAssembly, from Razor components to progressive web apps.


Local Installations

1 Lessons

Find out about setting up your development environment with Visual Studio, .NET, and SQL Server.
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