HomeCoursesThe Complete Guide to DevOps in Azure


4h 30min

The Complete Guide to DevOps in Azure
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Gain insights into DevOps in Azure, delve into configuration management, CI/CD, and Infrastructure as Code. Explore tools like GitHub and Kubernetes through hands-on projects to become a DevOps professional.
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Course Overview

This course is for anyone in IT or software engineering who wants to learn more about DevOps and, specifically, how to follow DevOps practices in Azure. Whether you’re a system administrator, engineer, developer, or IT manager, this course will help you understand what it takes to deliver more value to customers with DevOps. You will dive into concepts like configuration management, continuous integration/continuous delivery, and Infrastructure as Code. You will learn the key tools used by DevOps professio...Show More
This course is for anyone in IT or software engineering who wants to learn more about DevOps and, specifically, how to follow De...Show More


Learn and understand different services provided by Azure
Get familiarized with Git and GitHub
Understand the working of Terraform and Ansible
Learn to implement and use docker containers
Learn about the use and working of Kubernetes
Learn and understand different services provided by Azure

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Course Content


Getting Started

3 Lessons

Step through establishing a robust DevOps presence using Azure tools and real-world projects.


Azure from the Command Line with Cloud Shell

4 Lessons

Discover the logic behind utilizing Azure Cloud Shell, Azure CLI, and Azure PowerShell for resource management.


Visual Studio Code

5 Lessons

Go hands-on with Visual Studio Code's features, settings, extensions, and integrated terminal for development.


Azure Boards

3 Lessons

Apply your skills to manage projects with Azure Boards' work items, sprints, and Kanban.


Azure VM Availability Sets

3 Lessons

Tackle Azure VM fault domains, availability sets, and Terraform setup for redundancy.


Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates

3 Lessons

Learn how to improve Azure resource management using ARM templates for structured deployments.



6 Lessons

Try out Terraform to streamline Azure infrastructure with declarative configurations and efficient workflows.



5 Lessons

Get started with Ansible for server automation, playbooks, inventories, and Azure container management.


Azure Load Balancers

5 Lessons

Explore how Azure Load Balancer ensures service availability, scalability, and network management.


Monitoring in Azure

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to monitor Azure resources, VMs, applications, and containers effectively.


Azure Pipelines

5 Lessons

Solve problems in building CI/CD pipelines, automating deployments, and managing Azure VMs with YAML.



3 Lessons

Tackle Docker fundamentals and deploy .NET applications using Docker for efficient development.



5 Lessons

Practice using Kubernetes for efficient container orchestration, deployments, and managed solutions in Azure.



2 Lessons

Learn how to use Azure DevOps tools, Docker, Terraform, Ansible, and related resources.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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