HomeCoursesThe DevOps Toolkit: Kubernetes Chaos Engineering


5h 30min

The DevOps Toolkit: Kubernetes Chaos Engineering
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Delve into Kubernetes Chaos Engineering to discover system limits, simulate adverse effects, and improve resiliency. Learn about fault tolerance, high availability, and running experiments in a Kubernetes cluster.
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Course Overview

Let’s face it, bad things happen in software engineering, often when you least expect it. Servers go down, there are spikes in traffic, you receive networking errors. Luckily, you can avoid these problems. Enter chaos engineering. Chaos engineering is where you try to find the limits of a system and simulate adverse effects that might happen. These simulations then help you to determine the best way to improve your system and build up its resiliency. This course is divided into various sections to get you u...Show More
Let’s face it, bad things happen in software engineering, often when you least expect it. Servers go down, there are spikes in t...Show More

Course Content


Introduction To Kubernetes Chaos Engineering

9 Lessons

Get familiar with Kubernetes Chaos Engineering principles, readiness, examples, and process essentials.


Defining Requirements

4 Lessons

Walk through selecting, evaluating, and installing tools for chaos engineering in Kubernetes.


Experimenting with Application Availability

9 Lessons

Break down complex ideas to test and ensure application availability through chaos engineering experiments.


Creating Chaos Experiment Reports

8 Lessons

Build on generating insightful chaos experiment reports to enhance application and cluster reliability.


What’s Next?

2 Lessons

Examine key chaos engineering skills, system resilience, and community resources for ongoing support.
Certificate of Completion
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