Home>Courses>Simple Steps to Building Modern Applications with Docker


3h 30min

Certificate of Completion

Simple Steps to Building Modern Applications with Docker

Gain insights into working with Docker containers, discover common pitfalls, and explore best practices to efficiently build modern applications, regardless of your experience level.
Gain insights into working with Docker containers, discover common pitfalls, and explore best practices to efficiently build modern applications, regardless of your experience level.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

25 Lessons
14 Playgrounds
6 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content
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Course Overview

This course simplifies working with Docker containers (whether you're a novice or an intermediate engineer) and also exposes some common pitfalls. We’ve also added some best practices that might be useful while working with Docker.
This course simplifies working with Docker containers (whether you're a novice or an intermediate engineer) and also exposes som...Show More

What You'll Learn

Understand the problems container technology like Docker solves.
Understand Docker and how it works.
Learn to set up and configure Docker on your local machine.
Build and publish Docker images.
Containerize applications in multiple programming languages.
Understand how to optimize Dockerfiles.
Compose multiple containerized applications.
Learn security best practices while working with Docker containers.
Understand the problems container technology like Docker solves.

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Course Content


Introduction to the Course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with Docker for faster, secure, and efficient application development.


Getting Started with Docker

4 Lessons

Look at the evolution of Docker, from virtualization to containerization, and its fundamental components.


Working with Multiple Docker Containers

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to managing multi-container applications using Docker Compose for efficient workflows.


Working With Docker in CI Environments

4 Lessons

Solve problems in configuring and integrating Docker with various CI platforms like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Circle CI, and Travis CI.


Staying secure

1 Lessons

Implement robust Docker security practices for container isolation and minimized vulnerabilities.



2 Lessons

Practice using Docker on various OS, and explore Docker Swarm for cluster management.

Course Author

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