HomeCoursesCompetitive Programming in C++: The Keys to Success



Competitive Programming in C++: The Keys to Success
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Gain insights into competitive programming, explore C++ skills with theory, code samples, practice problems, and master faster implementation for contests like ACM ICPC, Google CodeJam, and HackerCup.
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Course Overview

Competitive programming can be a great way to build out your programming skills, get on any major company’s radar, and earn a little extra cash along the way. In this course, you will learn to prepare for competitive programming contests like ACM ICPC, Google CodeJam, Facebook HackerCup, and many more. Each topic is broken down with a healthy mix of theory, code samples, step-by-step solved sample problems, illustrations, useful practice problems, and tips and tricks for faster implementation. You will n...Show More
Competitive programming can be a great way to build out your programming skills, get on any major company’s radar, and earn a li...Show More

Course Content



4 Lessons

Get familiar with competitive programming essentials, C++ techniques, built-in methods, and efficient I/O handling.


Complexity Analysis

6 Lessons

Walk through analyzing algorithm complexity, runtime categories, and their impact on competitive programming.


Number Theory

12 Lessons

Examine key number theory concepts, including algebraic formulas, set theory, geometry, progressions, permutations, combinations, and prime factorization.


Arrays and Vectors

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of arrays, vectors, and solving array-related problems efficiently.


Sieve of Eratosthenes

4 Lessons

Map out the steps for Sieve of Eratosthenes, its implementation, complexity, and segmented variant.



4 Lessons

Investigate string manipulation, STL methods, and solve complex palindrome and number comparison problems.



8 Lessons

Build on foundational sorting techniques and library functions for competitive coding.


Linked List

4 Lessons

Break down linked lists, including arrays comparison, and singling out searching, insertion, and deletion.



4 Lessons

Get started with stack data structure, its operations, implementation, STL use, and practical applications.



3 Lessons

Master the steps to using and implementing queues in competitive programming with C++.


Binary Tree

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of binary trees, their types, and their uses in competitive programming.


2 Pointers

2 Lessons

Solve problems in competitive programming using the efficient two-pointer technique.



6 Lessons

Simplify complex topics on heap properties, implementation, complexity, STL usage, and solved problems.


Binary Search Tree

7 Lessons

Master the steps to understanding, searching, inserting, traversing, and deleting nodes in a Binary Search Tree.


Balanced Binary Search Tree

4 Lessons

Learn how to use balanced binary search trees for efficient data structures in competitions.


Course Conclusion

1 Lessons

Look at the importance of programming contests, upsolving, and future advanced topics.
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