HomeCoursesThe Complete Guide to Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3


13h 30min

The Complete Guide to Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3
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Gain insights into Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3, exploring dependency injection, Spring MVC, JDBC, and AOP. Discover how to create robust applications with inversion of control.
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Course Overview

Expertise in the Spring framework is highly sought after and will help open up a lot of job opportunities for you. Here you will get familiar with Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3 to add dependency injection into your applications. You will start with the basics of Spring like dependency injection, auto-wiring, and constructor injection. After the basics are out of the way you’ll move onto Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, and Spring Data JPA. Lastly, you’ll delve into Spring’s support for AOP, unit testing...Show More
Expertise in the Spring framework is highly sought after and will help open up a lot of job opportunities for you. Here you will...Show More


Understand the basic concepts of the Spring Framework
Learn how to use Spring Boot to kickstart the development process
Interact with databases using Spring's support for JDBC and JPA
Learn the Spring MVC architecture
Use AOP for implementing cross-cutting concerns in Spring
Implement unit testing in the Spring framework
Understand the basic concepts of the Spring Framework

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Back-end Development


Spring Boot

Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with Spring, its evolution, core concepts, modular architecture, and sustained popularity.


Spring Boot

6 Lessons

Enhance your skills in Spring Boot with configurations, REST services, Developer Tools, Actuator, and MVC comparison.


Spring JDBC

9 Lessons

Solve problems in Spring JDBC for seamless database operations, queries, and customization.


Spring Data JPA

9 Lessons

Focus on utilizing JPA for streamlined CRUD operations, entity management, and database connectivity.


Spring REST Fundamentals

8 Lessons

Explore Spring's REST capabilities, JSON data binding, Postman usage, and effective REST API design.


Spring REST Advanced Operations and Error Management

9 Lessons

Step through advanced REST operations, error handling, and Spring Data REST customization.


Spring MVC Fundamentals

11 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of Spring MVC architecture, components, configuration, controllers, views, models, and form handling.



2 Lessons

Discover the logic behind the Spring framework, its advanced topics, and participant feedback.
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