HomeCoursesThe Road to React: The One with Class Components



The Road to React: The One with Class Components

Gain insights into V15 React fundamentals, API work, code organization, testing, and state management. Discover hands-on skills by building a Hacker News App for your portfolio.
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If you’re working with a legacy React codebase, then this course will prove useful. React has seen a great deal of change over the years, but there might be situations where you have to work with an older version. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of V15 React. You will learn how to work with an API, how to organize and test your code as well as how to give your React app state. Throughout this course, you will have hands-on experience building a fully functional Hacker News App. By the end o...Show More
If you’re working with a legacy React codebase, then this course will prove useful. React has seen a great deal of change over t...Show More




4 Lessons

Get familiar with React fundamentals, practical application, ES6 transition, and hands-on projects.


Intro to React and some JavaScript Basics

6 Lessons

Look at React, JavaScript basics like ES6 features, and create-react-app setup.


Getting Real with an API

10 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of React APIs, lifecycle methods, data fetching, conditional rendering, and error handling.


Advanced React Components

6 Lessons

Focus on advanced techniques in React, including ref attributes, HOCs, and advanced sorting.


State Management in React and beyond

4 Lessons

Build on effective state management techniques in React, including lifting state and using setState().


Final Steps to Production

2 Lessons

Step through customizing configurations and deploying your React app to Heroku.


Appendix: Bootstrapping your React App

9 Lessons

Walk through bootstrapping a React app, managing dependencies, using JSX, and optimizing development.
Certificate of Completion
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Hands-on Learning Powered by AI

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Instant Code Feedback

Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

Adaptive Learning

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AI Code Mentor

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