HomeCoursesThe Ultimate Guide to Rust Programming



The Ultimate Guide to Rust Programming
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Gain insights into Rust programming fundamentals, explore its syntax, ownership, and type system, and delve into core components like memory management, traits, and generics to enhance your skills.
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Course Overview

Rust is quickly becoming one of the most popular languages. With a strong basis as a systems and embedded language, its clean design and ergonomics makes it an emerging choice for general purpose programming tasks as well. This course will be your guide to the fundamentals of programming and Rust. Whether you have no experience or want to learn a new language, this is the place to start. In this course, you’ll start off with the basics of the Rust programming language, learning the syntax, the philosophy o...Show More
Rust is quickly becoming one of the most popular languages. With a strong basis as a systems and embedded language, its clean de...Show More


Learn to work with variables and arrays of various data types
Learn to use conditional statements
Learn to code iterative programs using loops
Learn to work with enums, structs and traits
Learn how to use references
Learn to work with variables and arrays of various data types

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Course Content


Welcome to Begin Rust

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Rust programming for all levels, emphasizing active participation and experimentation.


Hello World and variables

9 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Rust programming with "Hello World," variables, and basic operations.


Anatomy of Rust

10 Lessons

Examine Rust's syntax, structure, readability, comments, expressions, variables, and practical coding exercises.



9 Lessons

Dig into Rust's booleans, comparison operators, the assert macro, and logical functions.



8 Lessons

Tackle conditionals, boolean logic, recursion, and practical exercises in Rust programming.


Mutable variables and while loops

11 Lessons

Master mutability and while loops in Rust, leveraging nested loops and avoiding common pitfalls.


Structs and ownership

11 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in using structs and understanding ownership rules in Rust.



11 Lessons

Get started with Rust's borrowing, mutable/immutable references, lifetimes, and dereferencing principles.


Arrays, Vecs, and slices

8 Lessons

Solve problems in managing arrays, slices, and vectors, with practical exercises.


Type parameters

6 Lessons

Follow the process of using type parameters in Rust for structs, functions, and impl blocks.



10 Lessons

Learn how to use enums for type safety, pattern matching, and implementing methods in Rust.


Iterators and for loops

11 Lessons

Get started with iterating in Rust, covering loops, iterators, ranges, and practical applications.


Early exit

10 Lessons

Examine early exit strategies in Rust, including `break`, `continue`, `return`, and `?` operator.


What’s next?

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to advancing Rust programming through installation, exercises, and community involvement.
Certificate of Completion
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