HomeCoursesConfiguration Management Using Ansible



Configuration Management Using Ansible
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Gain insights into Ansible's core features like inventory, playbooks, and roles. Delve into writing playbooks, using Jinja2, and organize tasks for efficient, stable IT infrastructure management.
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Course Overview

Configuration management plays a pivotal role in maintaining a stable and organized IT infrastructure by enabling the systematic gathering of information from remote hosts, facilitating server provisioning, and streamlining application upgrades or deployments. You will learn the core features of Ansible, such as inventory, variables, playbooks, roles, and handlers, which serve as the building blocks for configuration management. You will learn how to write playbooks that define and execute complex orchestr...Show More
Configuration management plays a pivotal role in maintaining a stable and organized IT infrastructure by enabling the systematic...Show More


An understanding of Ansible and its application to managing configuration for remote hosts
Familiarity with Ansible architecture, including playbooks, inventory, modules, and plugins
Working knowledge of installing NGINX with Ansible, including writing playbooks, working with tasks and handlers, and defining roles
Familiarity with variables, loops, conditionals statements, and Jinja2 templating in Ansible
Hands-on experience with creating inventory files, variables, roles, writing playbooks, and working with handlers using Jinja2 templating in Ansible
An understanding of Ansible and its application to managing configuration for remote hosts

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with using Ansible for configuration management through hands-on exercises.


What Is Configuration Management?

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of automated system configurations, idempotency, and key configuration management tools.


Major Concepts in Ansible

9 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of YAML, Ansible modules, tasks, playbooks, handlers, and roles for effective automation.


Ansible Variables and Other Elements

6 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of Ansible variables, loops, conditionals, and Jinja2 templating for dynamic configurations.


Wrap Up

1 Lessons

Simplify complex topics like Ansible's key concepts and hands-on project applications.
Certificate of Completion
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