HomeCoursesMastering Debugging: Techniques for Efficient Code Diagnosis



Mastering Debugging: Techniques for Efficient Code Diagnosis
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Want to learn how to code? Get hands-on with debugging techniques, trace bugs, troubleshoot environments, and confidently build in-demand skills to diagnose code efficiently. Fun and immersive learning awaits!
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Course Overview

This course covers debugging and the different techniques that help developers efficiently trace bugs in programming. It also includes guidelines and tips for software developers who must debug applications in production environments. You’ll start with introductory concepts of bugs and their life cycle. Next, you’ll cover the basic debugging techniques such as tracing code paths, reproducing the issue, logging, and knowing what to chase. In the next section, you’ll learn debugging techniques for multithre...Show More
This course covers debugging and the different techniques that help developers efficiently trace bugs in programming. It also in...Show More


An understanding of debugging and its strategies for efficient code diagnosis
Working knowledge of debugging techniques, including logging, code reading, and monitoring
Hands-on experience finding bugs in multithreaded applications
The ability to find bugs related to crashes and hangs
Familiarity with debugging concepts, including bug triage, code path tracing, bottom-up approach
An understanding of building debuggable systems
An understanding of debugging and its strategies for efficient code diagnosis

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Course Content


Introduction to Debugging

3 Lessons

Get familiar with crucial debugging techniques, practical methods, and diagnostic tools.


Bugs Life Cycle

5 Lessons

Unpack the core of the bug life cycle, from causes and triage to classification.


Basic Debugging

7 Lessons

Uncover fundamental debugging techniques, tracing code paths, issue reproduction, logging practices, and effective bug identification.


Multithreaded Debugging

3 Lessons

Break down the steps to debug multithreaded code, manage shared resources, and understand memory models.


Code Reading

1 Lessons

Take a look at efficient code reading techniques for debugging and code comprehension.


Crashes and Hangs

4 Lessons

See how it works to debug crashes and hangs in programs.


Resource Leaks

5 Lessons

Master the steps to diagnose and manage memory and resource leaks efficiently.


Debugging Distributed Systems

5 Lessons

Learn how to use advanced debugging techniques for distributed systems, logs, metrics, and tracing.


Scaling Issues

2 Lessons

Look at techniques for diagnosing and resolving software scaling issues.


Troubleshooting Environments

2 Lessons

Work your way through effective strategies for diagnosing and addressing environmental issues.


Principles for Proactive Product Maintainability

1 Lessons

Find out about proactive strategies for enhancing software product maintainability amidst tight deadlines.



1 Lessons

Reinforce the adaptability, maintainability, and critical importance of mastering debugging in software engineering.
Certificate of Completion
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