HomeCoursesAdvanced Data Structures: Implementing Tries in C++ and Java



Advanced Data Structures: Implementing Tries in C++ and Java
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Gain insights into trie data structures, their implementation in C++ and Java, and their application in solving algorithmic problems and designing complex systems, enhancing your software engineering skills.
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Course Overview

Trie is an efficient tree-like data structure used to store and retrieve information. It is frequently tested in coding interviews, indicating its widespread use in solving many real-world software engineering challenges. This course covers every aspect of the trie data structure, from the intuition of building a trie to coding it in famous programming languages for solving algorithmic problems and designing real-world systems. It assumes a prior knowledge of trees and basic data structures like lists and ...Show More
Trie is an efficient tree-like data structure used to store and retrieve information. It is frequently tested in coding intervie...Show More


An understanding of the use of tries and their implementation in C++ and Java
Ability to solve trie-based coding challenges frequently encountered in coding interviews
Familiarity with various patterns under which a trie related problem can fall
Hands-on practice working with real-world use cases of tries
Familiarity with a few case studies for a better understanding of system design concepts
An understanding of the use of tries and their implementation in C++ and Java

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Course Content


Introduction to Tries

6 Lessons

Get familiar with trie structures, their implementation, and practical applications in real-world scenarios.


Prefix Search

7 Lessons

Get started with efficient prefix searches and keyword management using trie structures.


Bitwise Tries

7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of bitwise tries for efficient XOR calculations and binary data optimization.



2 Lessons

Examine advanced trie concepts, implementation, and practical applications, and explore further data structures.
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