HomeCoursesMarketing Analytics Using Machine Learning Techniques



Marketing Analytics Using Machine Learning Techniques
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Gain insights into applied machine learning for marketing analytics. Explore data science techniques, create predictive models with Python libraries, and drive results with data-driven decisions.
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Course Overview

In this course, you’ll learn applied machine learning in marketing analytics and cover modern data science techniques such as data exploration, data preprocessing, feature engineering and evaluation. You’ll gain hands-on experience with the Python libraries pandas, Scikit-learn, and seaborn, and learn how to use them to perform data wrangling, data analysis, create predictive models, and visualize your results. This course will introduce you to basic data manipulation techniques. Further, you’ll cover spec...Show More
In this course, you’ll learn applied machine learning in marketing analytics and cover modern data science techniques such as da...Show More


A working knowledge of using Python libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, and seaborn for data analysis, visualization, and building machine learning models
An understanding of marketing analytics concepts and applying them in Python
The ability to create and interpret linear regression models for customer revenue prediction
A working knowledge of the K-Means Algorithm and its applications in customer segmentation
An understanding of logistic regression and its use for customer churn prediction
Proficiency in customer lifetime value (CLV) analysis and prediction
A working knowledge of making data-driven decisions and optimizing marketing strategies
A working knowledge of using Python libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, and seaborn for data analysis, visualization, and building machine learning models

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Data Manipulation

Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with essential machine learning skills for marketing analytics, including data exploration, model building, and evaluation.


Data Manipulation

3 Lessons

Get started with data exploration, wrangling, and modeling using pandas for marketing analytics.


Predicting Customer Revenue

8 Lessons

Examine predicting customer revenue using linear regression, dataset exploration, feature engineering, model building, and evaluation.



1 Lessons

Learn how to improve marketing strategies using machine learning for predictions and segmentation.
Certificate of Completion
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