HomeCoursesBuilding Static Pages with Astro for Perfect Core Web Vitals



Building Static Pages with Astro for Perfect Core Web Vitals
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Gain insights into building high-performing static pages with Astro. Learn about setting up projects, optimizing performance, SEO, accessibility, and adding interactivity using Astro Islands.
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Course Overview

Astro is a framework-agnostic, all-in-one web framework designed to create high-performing websites. Its island architecture helps create these websites. In this interactive course, you’ll learn how to set up and build a static blog with perfect performance, SEO, and accessibility by following best practices and using Astro. You’ll also learn the differences between different rendering paradigms, such as SSR and SSG, and the differences between the MPA and SPA architectures. Additionally, you’ll learn how ...Show More
Astro is a framework-agnostic, all-in-one web framework designed to create high-performing websites. Its island architecture hel...Show More


An understanding of Astro, its syntax, project structure, and configuration files
Hands-on experience implementing file-based routing and dynamic routing in Astro
An understanding of advanced SEO strategies and techniques for search engine rankings to enhance the visibility and discoverability of your web page
The ability to create reusable components in Astro
Familiarity with the concepts of interactivity and event handling in Astro
The ability to improve your CSS skills by building responsive components
An understanding of Astro, its syntax, project structure, and configuration files

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Course Content


Getting Started with Astro

5 Lessons

Look at Astro's syntax, project structure, configuration, and integration with third-party frameworks.


Setting Up the Contact Page

5 Lessons

Build trust with EEAT, structured contact page, author component, and interactive contact form.



2 Lessons

Build on Astro best practices and celebrate your completion, ready for advanced exploration.



1 Lessons

Learn how to use essential resources for Astro framework configuration and deployment.
Certificate of Completion
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