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Collections in Java
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Gain insights into Java Collections Framework. Delve into lists, sets, and hashmaps. Learn about data modification, sorting, thread-safety, and internal workings for efficient usage.
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Course Overview

Collection is one of the most important topics for Java programming. Without the proper knowledge of every collection type in Java, it becomes difficult for you to decide which option to pick in a particular scenario. This course will give you a great understanding of all collection types available in the Collections Framework like lists, linked lists, sets, and hashmaps. After completing this course, you will know how data can be modified within a collection, how to sort a collection, and how it can be ...Show More
Collection is one of the most important topics for Java programming. Without the proper knowledge of every collection type in Ja...Show More



Programming Language

Data Structures

Course Content


Let's Begin

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Java collections, their types, functions, and usage for better coding.


LinkedList in Java

2 Lessons

Examine Java's LinkedList structure, operations, methods for fetching, removing, and sorting elements.


CopyOnWriteArrayList in Java

3 Lessons

Enhance your skills in using CopyOnWriteArrayList for thread-safe Java collections.


Sets in Java

6 Lessons

Solve problems in creating, managing, and iterating HashSet; identify duplicates efficiently.


TreeSet in Java

4 Lessons

Follow the process of creating, managing, and solving problems using TreeSets in Java.


TreeMap in Java

4 Lessons

Step through creating, inserting, fetching, removing, and sorting elements in Java TreeMap.


LinkedHashMap in Java

2 Lessons

Explore the structure and behavior of LinkedHashMap, maintaining insertion order in Java collections.


Additional Map Implementations

3 Lessons

Work your way through ConcurrentHashMap, IdentityHashMap, and EnumMap for efficient and specialized Map usage.


Arrays Class

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Java's Arrays class, including searching, sorting, copying, and performing operations.


Collections Class

5 Lessons

Make Java collections efficient and secure with min, max, and thread-safe methods.
Certificate of Completion
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