Course Takeaways

Summarize what we have learned through the course.

Congratulations, we’ve reached the end of this course! It was a long journey during which we’ve learned the following:

  • What is Helm and why do we need it?

  • How to find a publicly available Helm chart

  • How to install Helm charts

  • How to configure Helm charts so they suit our needs

  • How to handle installation errors

  • How to roll back to previous installations

  • How to uninstall a Helm release

  • How to create a custom Helm chart for our applications

  • How to build complex Helm charts that have dependencies on other charts

  • How to lint and run tests for custom-created Helm charts

  • How to extend Helm CLI with plug-ins

  • How to use Helm to install applications on the public cloud

  • What is a Helmfile and why is it good to use it?

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