

Run Tests for a Chart

Run Tests for a Chart

Learn how to run tests for a Helm chart.

Run a Helm chart test

Assuming that we already have a couple of tests written in the /tests directory of the chart, we can now go ahead and run them. We can achieve this by running the following helm test command:

Press + to interact
helm test kanban-frontend --namespace kanban

The output will be as follows:

NAME: kanban-frontend
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Aug 16 13:16:08 2022
STATUS: deployed
TEST SUITE:     kanban-frontend-connection-test
Last Started:   Tue Aug 16 13:17:36 2022
Last Completed: Tue Aug 16 13:17:39 2022
Phase:          Succeeded

kanban-frontend, version: 1 has been installed, based on "app" Helm Chart!

Here is a short summary of installed application:

Docker base image: wkrzywiec/kanban-app:helm-course
Instances count: 1


Useful commands:

To list all Kubernetes resources created in this kanban-frontend Release:

    > kubectl get all --namespace kanban -l app.kubernetes.io/version=kanban-frontend-1

To establish connection with your app:

    > kubectl port-forward svc/kanban-frontend 8080:8080 --namespace kanban 

After that it will be reachable at the address