

Setting Values during Installation

Setting Values during Installation

Learn how to override Helm chart's default values and how to upgrade a version of a Helm release.

Helm chart default values

Most Helm charts can be installed with a simple command in which we only specify the name of a chart and a release. But what if it’s not enough and we need to have a different version of an application than the latest? Or if our incoming traffic is so heavy that we require two or more instances of the same application?

Luckily, there is a solution to this and other similar problems: the values.yaml file. Each Helm chart should have it. It plays the role of a chart’s interface that is used to interact with it. It’s essentially a YAML file that contains several properties which we can change to tweak a Helm release. All of them are declared in the file with the default values.

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# Default values for kubernetes-dashboard
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare name/value pairs to be passed into your templates.
# name: value
## Repository for container
repository: kubernetesui/dashboard
tag: v2.4.0
## Number of replicas
replicaCount: 1

By reading it we can find out that the resulting container is based on kubernetesui/dashboard and the version v2.4.0. Moreover, default instances, i.e., replicas, are declared with a replicaCount property (here it is 1).

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Where to find all the default values for the Kubernetes Dashboard chart on Artifact Hub
Where to find all the default values for the Kubernetes Dashboard chart on Artifact Hub

If we don’t use a chart that’s on Artifact Hub, ...