

Upgrade Helm Release

Upgrade Helm Release

How to override Helm chart's default values and how to upgrade a version of a Helm release.

The Metrics Server for Kubernetes Dashboard

If we take a closer look into our Kubernetes Dashboard, especially on the page with listed Pods, we might see that something is missing. To be specific, there are no illustrative curve charts that represent how much CPU and memory are consumed by applications, as givenbelow:

Press + to interact
CPU and Memory usage charts in Kubernetes Dashboard
CPU and Memory usage charts in Kubernetes Dashboard

In this lesson, we’ll address this problem and tune our Helm release to show it.

To enable it we need to have the Kubernetes Metrics Server installed in our cluster. This is an application that collects information about resource usage (such as CPU and memory) from the cluster and exposes it using an API. Then an API is consumed by the Dashboard.

Enable the Metrics Server

There are a couple of ways of deploying the Metrics Server into the cluster. It could be already provided by a public cloud provider or it could be installed with Helm using a separate Helm chart. Luckily for us, we don’t need to use a separate Helm chart. The Metrics Server is already embedded in our Helm chart. We just need to enable it. To learn how to do that, we need to ...