/Solution: Calculate the Number of Nodes in a Given Graph Level
Solution: Calculate the Number of Nodes in a Given Graph Level
This review provides a detailed analysis of the different ways to calculate the number of nodes in an undirected graph level.
Solution #1: Iterative Breadth-First Traversal
The solution below modifies the visited
vector to store the level of each node. Later, count the nodes with the same level.
#include "Graph.h"int Graph::numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(int level){int source = 0;vector <int> visited(this -> vertices, 0);list<int> queue;visited[source] = true;queue.push_back(source);while (!queue.empty()) {source = queue.front();queue.pop_front();for (auto i = adjacencyList[source].begin(); i != adjacencyList[source].end(); ++i) {if (visited[*i] == 0) {visited[*i] = visited[source] + 1;queue.push_back(*i);}}}int count = 0;for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++)if (visited[i] == level)count++;return count;}int main() {Graph g(6);g.addEdge(0, 1);g.addEdge(0, 2);g.addEdge(1, 3);g.addEdge(2, 3);g.addEdge(2, 4);g.addEdge(3, 5);int level = 1;cout << "The number of nodes at level " << level << " are: " << g.numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(level) << endl;level = 2;cout << "The number of nodes at level " << level << " are: " << g.numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(level) << endl;level = 3;cout << "The number of nodes at level " << level << " are: " << g.numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(level) << endl;return 0;}
Let’s have a look at the pseudocode of modified breadth-first traversal
Input: root is a node in the graph, level
Output: count of nodes at that level
numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(source, l)
Let q = queue
Let level = array //in our code the visited vector
while source = ø
print source
for all adjacent vertices v of source
level[v] = level[v] + 1
if !q.isEmpty()
source = q.dequeue()
source = ø
//count number of nodes that have level == l
In this code, while visiting each node, the level of that node is set with an increment in the level of its parent node; i.e.
level[child] = level[parent] + 1.
This is how the level of each node is determined. The root node lies at level zero in the tree.
The highlighted codes show changes in the original BFS algorithm.
Time Complexity
Its time complexity is the same as the breadth-first traversal algorithm. We have added no new loops just a simple array to do our job.
The time complexity of BFS can be computed as the total number of iterations performed by the for
Let be the set of all edges in the graph. For each edge ...