Solution: Print all Paths Between Two Nodes
This review provides a detailed analysis of the solution to print all paths between two nodes.
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Solution: Graph Traversal
If we traverse the graph from the source using any graph traversal algorithm, we can tell whether such a traversal will lead us to the desired destination or not.
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#include "Graph.h"void Graph::utilityFunction(int source, int destination, vector <bool>& visited, vector<int>& path, int & pathIndex) {visited[source] = true;path[pathIndex] = source;pathIndex++;if (source == destination) { // if destination reached print itfor (int i = 0; i < pathIndex; i++)cout << path[i] << " ";cout << endl;}else { //else keep on iteratinglist <int> ::iterator i;for (i = adjacencyList[source].begin(); i != adjacencyList[source].end(); ++i)if (visited[ * i] == false)utilityFunction( * i, destination, visited, path, pathIndex);}pathIndex--;visited[source] = false; // clear the visited tab of source}void Graph::printAllPaths(int source, int destination) {vector <bool> visited(this -> vertices, false);vector<int> path(this -> vertices);int pathIndex = 0;utilityFunction(source, destination, visited, path, pathIndex);}int main() {Graph g(9);g.addEdge(0, 1);g.addEdge(1, 2);g.addEdge(1, 5);g.addEdge(2, 3);g.addEdge(2, 4);g.addEdge(5, 3);g.addEdge(5, 6);g.addEdge(3, 6);g.addEdge(6, 7);g.addEdge(6, 8);g.addEdge(6, 4);g.addEdge(7, 8);int source = 0, destination = 6;cout << "Paths from " << source << " to " << destination << endl;g.printAllPaths(source, destination);return 0;}
All we need to solve this problem is to simply traverse from ...