

Solution: Connecting n Pipes with Minimum Cost

Solution: Connecting n Pipes with Minimum Cost

This review provides a detailed analysis of the solution to connect n pipes with the minimum cost.

Solution #1: Brute Force

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int minCost(int pipes[], int n) {
int cost;
bool isFirstRun = true;
int tempCost = 0;
int tempPipes[n];
std::sort(pipes, pipes + n); // built in function of a C++ library
// find value for all combinations
do {
for (int pipeIndex = 0; pipeIndex < n; pipeIndex++) {
tempPipes[pipeIndex] = pipes[pipeIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
tempCost += (tempPipes[i] + tempPipes[i + 1]); //find current cost
tempPipes[i + 1] = tempPipes[i] + tempPipes[i + 1];
if (isFirstRun) { //for first run add as it is in cost
cost = tempCost;
isFirstRun = false;
} else if (tempCost < cost) //for later runs perform comparison
cost = tempCost;
tempCost = 0;
} while (std::next_permutation(pipes, pipes + n)); // produces all combinations
return cost;
int main() {
int pipes[] = {4, 3, 2, 6 };
int size = sizeof(pipes) / sizeof(pipes[0]);
cout << "Total cost for connecting pipes list 1 is " << minCost(pipes, size);
cout << endl << endl;
int pipes1[] = {1, 1, 2, 6};
int size1 = sizeof(pipes1) / sizeof(pipes1[0]);
cout << "Total cost for connecting pipes list 2 is " << minCost(pipes1, size1);
return 0;

In the brute force method, we try all combinations of pipes possible (line34) in order to find the minimum possible cost.

Time Complexity

The time Complexity is O(2n)O(2^n) because we find all possible combinations and out of that choose the one where we can find the minimum cost.

Solution #2: Sorting

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int minCost(int pipes[], int n) {
int cost;
std::sort(pipes, pipes + n); // to generate all combinations.
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1 ; i++) {
int prevCost = cost; //store previous cost for later use
cost = (pipes[i] + pipes[i+1]); //find current cost
pipes[i + 1] = cost; //insert in array
cost = cost + prevCost; //add with previous cost
return cost;
int main() {
int pipes[] = {4, 3, 2, 6 };
int size = sizeof(pipes) / sizeof(pipes[0]);
cout << "Total cost for connecting pipes list 1 is " << minCost(pipes, size);
cout << endl << endl;
int pipes1[] = {1, 1, 2, 6};
int size1 = sizeof(pipes1) / sizeof(pipes1[0]);
cout << "Total cost for connecting pipes list 2 is " << minCost(pipes1, size1);
return 0;

We optimize the solution by sorting the array and choosing the minimum ...

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