- Examples

We'll discuss the examples for application of type traits in this lesson.

Example 1 #

Here is the application of the primary type categories:

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// typeTraitsTypeCategories.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout << endl;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << "is_void<void>::value: " << is_void<void>::value << endl;
cout << "is_integral<short>::value: " << is_integral<short>::value << endl;
cout << "is_floating_point<double>::value: " << is_floating_point<double>::value << endl;
cout << "is_array<int []>::value: " << is_array<int [] >::value << endl;
cout << "is_pointer<int*>::value: " << is_pointer<int*>::value << endl;
cout << "is_null_pointer<std::nullptr_t>::value: " << is_null_pointer<std::nullptr_t>::value << endl;
struct A{
int a;
int f(double){return 2011;}
cout << "is_member_object_pointer<int A::*>::value: " << is_member_object_pointer<int A::*>::value << endl;
cout << "is_member_function_pointer<int (A::*)(double)>::value: " << is_member_function_pointer<int (A::*)(double)>::value << endl;
enum E{
e = 1,
cout << "is_enum<E>::value: " << is_enum<E>::value << endl;
union U{
int u;
cout << "is_union<U>::value: " << is_union<U>::value << endl;
cout << "is_class<string>::value: " << is_class<string>::value << endl;
cout << "is_function<int * (double)>::value: " << is_function<int * (double)>::value << endl;
cout << "is_lvalue_reference<int&>::value: " << is_lvalue_reference<int&>::value << endl;
cout << "is_rvalue_reference<int&&>::value: " << is_rvalue_reference<int&&>::value << endl;
cout << endl;

Explanation #

Due to the flag boolalpha in line 10, the program displays either true or false instead of 1 or 0. Each call of the 14 primary type categories returns true.
