- Examples

This lesson presents two more examples of uniform initialization.

{} with different types and structures #

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#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct MyStruct{
int x;
double y;
class MyClass{
int x;
double y;
struct Telephone{
std::string name;
int number;
Telephone getTelephone(){
// Telephone("Rainer Grimm", 12345) created
return {"Rainer Grimm", 12345};
struct MyArray {
MyArray(): data {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} {}
const int data[5];
void getVector(const std::vector<int>& v){
// some code
int main(){
// built-in datatypes and strings
bool b{true};
bool b2 = {true};
int i{2011};
int i2 = {2011};
std::string s{"string"};
std::string s2 = {"string"};
// struct and class
MyStruct basic{5, 3.2};
MyStruct basic2 = {5, 3.2};
MyClass alsoClass{5, 3.2};
MyClass alsoClass2 = {5, 3.2};
// C-Array
// dynamic array initialization
const float * pData = new const float[4] { 1.5, 4, 3.5, 4.5 };
// STL-Container
// a vector of 1 element
std::vector<int> oneElement{1};
std::vector<int> oneElement2= {1};
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> um { {"Dijkstra", 1972}, {"Scott", 1976}, {"Wilkes", 1967}, {"Hamming", 1968} };
// special cases
// brace initialization for a std::vector
getVector({ oneElement[0], 5, 10, 20, 30 });
// method
std::vector<int> v {};
v.insert(v.end(), { 99, 88, -1, 15 });
// getTelephone returns an initializer list
Telephone tel(getTelephone());

Explanation #

  • The code shows us several instances of the {}-initializer being used with different entities.

  • In line 23, the getTelephone function returns an initializer ...