Solution Review: Index Array

Let’s take a detailed look at the previous challenge’s solution.

First solution

We’ll use nested loops:

  • The outer loop will help us store the value of index i in curr.
  • In the inner loop, we have to swap the values to the respective index position in the array. If that position is not available, we have to place -1 there.
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package main
func indexArray(arr []int, size int) {
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
curr := i
value := -1
/* swaps to move elements in the proper position. */
for arr[curr] != -1 && arr[curr] != curr {
temp := arr[curr]
arr[curr] = value
value = temp
curr = temp
/* check if some swaps happened. */
if value != -1 {
arr[curr] = value
/* Testing code */
func main() {
arr := []int{8, -1, 6, 1, 9, 3, 2, 7, 4, -1}
size := len(arr)
indexArray(arr, size)

Time complexity

The time complexity of the solution is ...

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