Solution Review: Sort Stack
This review will provide a detailed analysis of how to sort the elements of a stack.
First solution: Using the sorted insert function
In this approach, we recursively call the sortStack()
function. Then we call the sortedInsert()
function inside the recursion to sort the stack.
Solution code
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package mainfunc sortedInsert(stk *Stack, element int) {var temp intif (stk.Length() == 0 || element > stk.Top()) {stk.Push(element)} else {temp = stk.Pop()sortedInsert(stk, element)stk.Push(temp)}}func sortStack(stk *Stack) {var temp intif (stk.Length() > 0) {temp = stk.Pop()sortStack(stk)sortedInsert(stk, temp)}}// Testing codefunc main() {stk := new(Stack)stk.Push(1)stk.Push(4)stk.Push(3)stk.Push(2)sortStack(stk)stk.Print()}
Time complexity
The time complexity of this approach is ...