Solution Review: Reverse Stack
Let's discuss in detail the implementation of the reverse stack problem.
Solution #1: Using bottomInsert()
In this approach, we use recursion to pop elements from the stack and use the bottomInsert()
function to add them at the bottom. Eventually the whole stack is reversed.
Solution code
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package mainimport "fmt"func bottomInsert(stk *Stack, element int) {var temp intif (stk.Length() == 0) {stk.Push(element)} else {temp = stk.Pop()bottomInsert(stk, element)stk.Push(temp)}}func reverseStack(stk *Stack) {if stk.IsEmpty() {return}value := stk.Pop()reverseStack(stk)bottomInsert(stk, value)}// Testing codefunc main() {stk := new(Stack)stk.Push(1)stk.Push(2)stk.Push(3)fmt.Print("Stack before reversal : ")stk.Print()reverseStack(stk)fmt.Print("Stack after reversal : ")stk.Print()}
Time complexity
The time complexity of this solution is ...