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Data Structures & Algorithms In Go
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Getting Started
Who Should Take this Course and Why?
Time Complexity
Introduction and Asymptotic Analysis
Big-O, Omega and Theta Notations
Complexity Analysis of Algorithms
Time Complexity Order
Deriving an Algorithm's Runtime Function
Examples Related to Time Complexities
Master Theorem
Master Theorem Examples
Challenge: Sum Array
Solution Review: Sum Array
Challenge: Sequential Search
Solution Review: Sequential Search
Challenge: Binary Search
Solution Review: Binary Search
Challenge: Finding the Largest Sum Subarray
Solution Review: Finding the Largest Sum Subarray
Challenge: Rotating an Array by k Positions
Solution Review: Rotating an Array by k Positions
Challenge: Array Waveform
Solution Review: Array Waveform
Challenge: Index Array
Solution Review: Index Array
Challenge: Sorting From 1 to n
Solution Review: Sorting From 1 to n
Challenge: Smallest Positive Missing Number
Solution Review: Smallest Positive Missing Number
Challenge: Maximum, Minimum Array
Solution Review: Maximum, Minimum Array
Challenge: Array Index Maximum Difference
Solution Review: Array Index Maximum Difference
Quiz: Arrays
Recursive Functions
Recursive Functions
Challenge: Factorial
Solution Review: Factorial
Challenge: Print Base 16 Integers
Solution Review: Print Base 16 Integers
Challenge: Greatest Common Divisor
Solution Review: Greatest Common Divisor
Challenge: Fibonacci Numbers
Solution Review: Fibonacci Numbers
Challenge: All Permutations of an Integer List
Solution Review: All Permutations of an Integer List
Challenge: Tower of Hanoi
Solution Review: Tower of Hanoi
Quiz: Recursion
Approaches to Solve Algorithm Design Problems
Introduction and Constraints
Idea Generation
Complexities, Coding, and Testing
Example and Summary
Data Structures in Go
Abstract Data Type
Go Collection Framework
Priority Queue / Heap
Set and Counter
Symbol Table
Sorting Algorithm
Bubble Sort
Modified Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Selection Sort
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Quick Select
Count Sort
External Sort (External Merge-Sort)
Stable Sort
Choosing the Best Sorting Algorithm
Challenge: Partitioning of 0s and 1s
Solution Review: Partitioning of 0s and 1s
Challenge: Partitioning of 0s, 1s, and 2s
Solution Review: Partitioning of 0s, 1s and 2s
Introduction to Stack
The Stack Abstract Data Type
Challenge: Stack Using Array
Solution Review: Stack Using Array
Challenge: Stack Using Linked List
Solution Review: Stack Using Linked List
System Stack and Method Calls
Challenge: Sorted Insert
Solution Review: Sorted Insert
Challenge: Sort Stack
Solution Review: Sort Stack
Challenge: Bottom Insert
Solution Review: Bottom Insert
Challenge: Reverse Stack
Solution Review: Reverse Stack
Challenge: Reverse k Elements in a Stack
Solution Review: Reverse k Element in a Stack
Challenge: Balanced Parentheses
Solution Review: Balanced Parenthesis
Challenge: Min Stack
Solution Review: Min Stack
Challenge: Max Depth Parenthesis
Solution Review: Max Depth Parenthesis
Challenge: Longest Continuous Balanced Parenthesis
Solution Review: Longest Continuous Balanced Parenthesis
Challenge: Reverse Parenthesis
Solution Review: Reverse Parentheses
Challenge: Find Duplicate Parentheses
Solution Review: Find Duplicate Parenthesis
Challenge: Print Parenthesis Number
Solution Review: Print Parentheses Number
Infix, Prefix, and Postfix Expressions
Challenge: Infix-to-Postfix Conversion
Solution Review: Infix-to-Postfix Conversion
Challenge: Infix-to-Prefix Conversion
Solution Review: Infix-to-Prefix Conversion
Introduction to Queue
Queue Implementation Using an Array
Queue Implementation Using a LinkedList
Queue Implementation Using Circular Linked List
Queue Implementation Using Doubly Linked List
Challenge: Queue Using Stack
Solution Review: Queue Using Stack
Challenge: Reverse Queue
Solution Review: Reverse Queue
Challenge: Reverse k Elements in a Queue
Solution Review: Reverse k Elements in a Queue
Introduction to Tree
Types of Trees
Introduction to Binary Trees
Challenge: Create a Complete Binary Tree
Solution Review: Create a Complete Binary Tree
Challenge: Print Pre-Order Traversal
Solution Review: Print Pre-Order Traversal
Challenge: Print Post-order Traversal
Solution Review: Print Post-order Traversal
Challenge: Print In-order Traversal
Solution Review: Print In-Order Traversal
Challenge: Print level-order Traversal
Solution Review: Print Level-order Traversal
Challenge: Print Depth First Without Recursion
Solution Review: Print Depth First Without Using the Recursion
Challenge: Print Level Order Line by Line Using Two Queues
Solution Review: Print Level Order Line by Line Using Two Queues
Challenge: Print a Tree in Level-order Line by Line Using a Queue
Solution Review: Print Level Order Line by Line Using One Queue
Challenge: Print Spiral Tree
Solution Review: Print Spiral Tree
Challenge: nth Pre-order
Solution Review: nth Pre-Order
Challenge: nth Post-order
Solution Review: nth Post-Order
Challenge: nth In-Order
Solution Review: nth In-Order
Challenge: Print All the Paths
Solution Review: Print All the Paths
Challenge: Number of Elements
Solution Review: Number of Elements
Challenge: Sum of All Nodes in a Binary Tree
Solution Review: Sum of All Nodes in a Binary Tree
Challenge: Find Number of Leaf Nodes
Solution Review: Find Number of Leaf Nodes
Challenge: Number of Full Nodes in a Binary Tree
Solution Review: Number of Full Nodes in a Binary Tree
Challenge: Search Value in a Binary Tree
Solution Review: Search Value in a Binary Tree
Challenge: Find Max in Binary Tree
Solution Review: Find Max in Binary Tree
Challenge: Tree Depth
Solution Review: Tree Depth
Challenge: Identical Trees
Solution Review: Identical Trees
Challenge: Copy Tree
Solution Review: Copy Tree
Challenge: Copy Mirror Tree
Solution Review: Copy Mirror Tree
Challenge: Free Tree
Solution Review: Free Tree
Challenge: Check Completeness of Tree Using Queue
Solution Review: Check Completeness of Tree Using Queue
Challenge: Check Completeness of Tree Using Recursion
Solution Review: Check Completeness of Tree using Recursion
Challenge: Is Tree a Heap?
Solution Review: Is Tree a Heap
Challenge: Tree to List Conversion using Recursion
Solution Review: Tree to List Conversion using Recursion
Binary Search Tree
Introduction to a Binary Search Tree (BST)
Challenge: Create a Binary Search Tree From the Sorted List
Solution Review: Create a Binary Search Tree From the Sorted List
Challenge: Insertion
Solution Review: Insertion
Challenge: Find Node
Solution Review: Find Node
Challenge: Find Min
Solution Review: Find Min
Challenge: Find Max
Solution Review: Find Max
Challenge: Is It a BST?
Solution Review: Is It a BST?
Challenge: Delete Node
Solution Review: Delete Node
Challenge: Least Common Ancestor
Solution Review: Least Common Ancestor
Challenge: Print Tree Nodes within a Range
Solution Review: Print Tree Nodes within a Range
Challenge: Trim the Tree Nodes Outside Range
Solution Review: Trim the Tree Nodes Outside Range
Challenge: Find Ceil and Floor Values in a BST
Solution Review: Find Ceil and Floor Values in a BST
Challenge: Is It a BST Array?
Solution Review: Is It a BST Array?
Count Sort
Let’s look at the count sort algorithm.
We'll cover the following
Code example
Complexity analysis
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