

Getting Started with Seaborn Library

Getting Started with Seaborn Library

Learn how to use and access the seaborn library.

What is the seaborn library?

Seaborn is a Python data visualization library built on top of the Matplotlib library. It provides a better user experience by being easy to use as well as offering various options to adjust the figure styling and aesthetics as needed. In addition, it’s the most common library used for exploratory data analysis due to it being so easy to use and its support for various data formats.

In the figure below, we’ve analyzed the tips dataset that’s available in the seaborn library. We can use the seaborn library to create many of these kinds of visualizations for in-depth data analysis.

Seaborn installation and usage

We can use and access the seaborn library on any Python-supported platform, such as Google Colab and Jupyter Notebook. We’ll use the in-lesson Python code widgets to explore and understand the seaborn library. ...