Seaborn's Built-in Themes

Learn how to customize figure aesthetics using Seaborn's built-in themes.


The seaborn library has five built-in themes to control and style figure aesthetics. The five built-in themes are as follows:

  • Dark grid
  • White grid
  • White
  • Dark
  • Ticks

By default, seaborn plots use the dark grid theme. We can change the default theme in seaborn using the sns.set_style() function by passing the desired theme name in the function.

Application of built-in themes

Data visualizations are essential for conveying interesting patterns and insights to an audience, making it necessary to have figures that grab the viewer’s interest. The styling of the plot dramatically influences how the targeted audience will perceive the figure. Even though there’s no hard and fast rule to use a specific theme, they’re each suited to different applications and personal preferences. However, it may be ...