Visualizing the Reg Plots

Learn how to plot, design, and interpret reg plots for data visualizations.

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Reg plot stands for regression plot; we use it to build a linear regression model of our data to see how variables are related.

Plotting reg plot

Let’s get started by importing the required libraries and the mpg dataset. Then, we draw a reg plot using the sns.regplot() function and pass displacement and mpg to the x and y parameters, respectively. The regplot() function draws a scatter plot for the displacement and mpg variables and then fits a regression line on top. It also computes the 95% confidence interval, represented as a shaded line below the main regression line. We can see a downward trend in the plot; as the displacement increases, the mpg decreases.

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mpg_df = sns.load_dataset("mpg")
sns.regplot(x = 'displacement', y='mpg', data= mpg_df)

We can set truncate=False in the sns.regplot() function to extend the regression line to the axis limit. By default, it’s set to True, which enforces the regression line within the data points.

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sns.regplot(y='mpg', x = 'displacement', data= mpg_df, truncate=False)

To plot a regression line without a scatter plot, we specify scatter=False in the sns.regplot() ...