Visualization with Cat Plots

Learn how to visualize categorical data through a cat plot.


The cat plot stands for the categorical plot, which represents the relationship between variables. We can access all the categorical plots, such as bar, box, violin, swarm, and so on. It’s built on top of seaborn’s FacetGrid, which means we can have multiple plots within the same plot. The default cat plot is a strip plot.

Plotting cat plots

We’ve already imported the required libraries and saved the titanic dataset in the titanic_df DataFrame (after removing the null values). Let’s get started with the visualizations. We call the sns.catplot() function and pass x='age':

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sns.catplot(x ='age', data = titanic_df) # default strip plot

By default, the cat plot shows a strip plot. However, we can switch the plot by specifying it in the kind parameter in the sns.catplot() function. For example, let’s draw a violin plot through a cat plot by specifying kind='violin'. We can access all the categorical plots by specifying them in the kind ...