

Visualization with Strip Plots

Visualization with Strip Plots

Learn how to plot, design, and interpret strip plots to obtain data insights.


A strip plot is a categorical scatter plot, where one variable is numeric, and the other is categorical. It’s similar to a swarm plot; we represent data values as circular dots on both swarm and strip plots. The primary distinction is that the data points in a swarm plot do not overlap. On the other hand, the points in a strip plot may overlap.

Plotting a strip plot

In this lesson, we’ll use the “penguins” dataset. It has been loaded into the DataFrame penguins_df after removing the null values. Let’s begin our visualizations. We pass x='sex' and y='body_mass_g' in the sns.stripplot() function to see the variation in body mass between male and female penguins.

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sns.stripplot(data = penguins_df,x='sex', y='body_mass_g') # categorize on gender

We can observe from the plot above that most male penguins have a higher body_mass_g ...