HomeCoursesData Science in R: From Basics to Machine Learning



Data Science in R: From Basics to Machine Learning
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Explore R for data science, from basics to machine learning. Learn data manipulation, visualization, version control, and workflow optimization for real-world challenges.
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Course Overview

Embark on an exciting journey with R as your trusted ally for data science. This comprehensive course will equip you with essential skills to leverage R's power for data manipulation and analysis. The course is suitable even if you have limited R experience, empowering you to perform data science tasks effectively. The journey starts with R fundamentals to lay a strong foundation. You’ll master the tidyverse to create powerful and readable code. Then, you will explore the import of various data sources, vi...Show More
Embark on an exciting journey with R as your trusted ally for data science. This comprehensive course will equip you with essent...Show More


Familiarity with R fundamentals: syntax, key operations, and data types/structures
The ability to create engaging data visualizations in R using various techniques
A deep knowledge of the tidyverse (dplyr, tidymodels, ggplot2) for data analysis
Hands-on experience developing machine learning models in R
Proficiency with data wrangling in R, including filtering, joining, and reshaping
Familiarity with Git and GitHub integration for version control in R
Familiarity with R fundamentals: syntax, key operations, and data types/structures

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Machine Learning

Data Science

Data Manipulation

Data Cleaning

Data Plotting


Data types



Data Visualization

Neural Networks

Course Content


Why R?

4 Lessons

Get familiar with R's importance for data science, statistical analysis, and visualizations.


R Fundamentals

7 Lessons

Discover the logic behind R syntax, flow control, data frames, matrices, libraries, and data loading.


Importing More Data Sources

4 Lessons

Build a foundation in importing data from databases, web sources, and Excel into R.


Data Visualization with ggplot2

5 Lessons

Dig deeper into data visualization techniques and customization with ggplot2 in R.


Best Practices for Data Scientists

3 Lessons

Tackle effective naming conventions, function creation, and systematic project structure for better data science practices in R.


Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning with tidymodels

6 Lessons

Build on tidymodels for statistical analysis, machine learning, and model optimization.


Useful Libraries for Data Science

5 Lessons

Learn how to use essential R libraries for date handling, string manipulation, mapping, and data checking.


Git Integration

5 Lessons

Get started with integrating Git and GitHub for effective R project management.


Getting The Most Out of R

3 Lessons

Work your way through efficient coding, analytical practices, and advanced R applications.



2 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of using RStudio and finding support in the R community.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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