HomeCoursesData Science with R: Decision Trees and Random Forests



Data Science with R: Decision Trees and Random Forests
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Gain insights into essential machine learning algorithms in R, including CART, random forest, and XGBoost. Discover model tuning and cross-validation to create accurate, robust data science models.
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Course Overview

The R programming language is widely used in the field of data science. Machine learning is a fundamental skill for learners looking to master industry algorithms in the field of data science. In this course, you’ll learn about several essential algorithms used in machine learning, including classification and regression trees (CART), random forest, and XGBoost. CART is a decision tree algorithm that’s used for both classification and regression problems. Random forest is an ensemble learning method that u...Show More
The R programming language is widely used in the field of data science. Machine learning is a fundamental skill for learners loo...Show More


An understanding of the basics of machine learning and supervised learning
Familiarity with the differences between classification and regression trees
A working knowledge of XGBoost algorithm
Familiarity with random forest
An understanding of the basics of machine learning and supervised learning

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Data Science

Machine Learning

Machine Learning Fundamentals

Course Content


Welcome to the Course

4 Lessons

Get familiar with machine learning fundamentals, key datasets, and predictive analytics in R.


Supervised Learning

7 Lessons

Unpack the core of supervised learning, decision trees, overfitting, and model tuning in machine learning.


Classification Tree Math

6 Lessons

Examine key mathematical concepts and techniques for optimizing classification tree splits using Gini impurity.


Using Classification Trees in R

7 Lessons

Apply your skills to conduct EDA, prepare data, specify algorithms, and fit classification trees in R.


Introducing the Bias-Variance Tradeoff

3 Lessons

Take a look at understanding model complexity and the bias-variance tradeoff in machine learning.


Model Tuning

4 Lessons

Tackle cross-validation, optimal model tuning, decision tree complexity, and pruning to enhance model performance.


Model Tuning with tidymodels

5 Lessons

Piece together the parts of model accuracy, cross-validation, hyperparameter tuning, and visualization with tidymodels.


Feature Engineering

6 Lessons

Step through transforming raw data into meaningful features, avoiding information leakage, creating decision boundaries, and handling missing data.


Regression Trees

5 Lessons

Walk through regression trees, SSE, and training with tidymodels for numeric predictions.


The Random Forest Algorithm

4 Lessons

Break apart the random forest's ensemble, bagging, and feature randomization techniques.


Using Random Forests

7 Lessons

Break down the steps to train, tune, and evaluate random forest models using R.


Gradient Boosting Trees

6 Lessons

Map out the steps for implementing and tuning Gradient Boosting Trees using XGBoost in R.


Continuing Your Journey

1 Lessons

Focus on hands-on practice, engaging in projects, and expanding skills to unsupervised learning.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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