Architecture and Implementation

Learn about implementation-level practices in the context of architecture.

Software code is an implementation of the architecture. Therefore, architectural guidance is necessary during the development process.

In this lesson, I want to briefly touch on important software architecture topics that affect coding and implementation.

Tactical Domain-Driven Design

While the strategic area of Domain-Driven Design affects the higher-level structure of the entire enterprise, the tactical part of DDD is a vital technique for implementation, helping manage codebase complexity and bridge the gap between developers and problem space SMEsSubject Matter Experts.

Tactical DDD is a complex and rare skill that requires the purposeful education of engineering teams. While acting as a software architect throughout my career, I always ensure that I set clear expectations with developers about learning and following DDD in code. It makes a big difference when an architect explicitly sets a high bar for engineering excellence with practices, such as Model-Driven Design and DDD.

You can learn more about tactical DDD ...