Definitions and Purpose

Clarify definitions pertaining to architecture, and learn the importance of studying the intricacies.

Software architecture

Software Architecture has many definitions, and all of them are correct to a certain extent. You can visit Wikipedia (see example) or other articles on the internet for an explanation of this term. I have also published an article on this topic via my website.

In this section, I want to draw your attention to the most critical aspect of the definition: architecture is something that you cannot easily change, but it is still a vital supporting mechanism for the system’s function and implementation. By saying so, I am trying to warn you that poor architectural choices made earlier cannot be undone later in the project lifecycle. At the same time, they can hinder and complicate both the implementation and usefulness of the deliveries. This limitation is what makes the role of architecture so critical to success. Inadequate architectures will fail you; robust structures will serve you.

Software architect

As I said before, architecture is an opinion, which makes an architect an opinionated person. Opinions do not exist in a vacuum; they originate from people’s minds. It is hard to argue which view is wrong or right without knowing right from wrong. That ...