Maintenance-Aware Mindset

Learn what actions to take to prevent problems after deployment.

The previous lesson clarified my view of handling application maintenance and support. I believe that these activities are the responsibilities of engineering teams who build systems. While this group tries to minimize or prevent technical problems and incidents, they need to employ various techniques to reach this objective. In this lesson, I will touch on a couple of topics that will help prevent issues after deployment as long as engineers keep these matters in mind.

Maintaining applications in practice

Engineering teams are responsible for maintaining applications that they built. At the same time, they need to continue developing new features. For this paradoxical arrangement to work, it is necessary that the group keeps an eye on a ratio of development versus maintenance efforts and takes course-correcting steps to deliver more features with less support.

In the early ages of an application, this task is easy to fulfill since there is hardly any maintenance necessary. When the system grows and the number of support ...