HomeCoursesBuilding Event Driven and Microservices Architecture in Azure



Building Event Driven and Microservices Architecture in Azure

Discover how to design complex event-driven architectures in Azure, with insights into resource management, monitoring, and integrating VMs and databases for enterprise solutions.
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Building a cloud infrastructure can be a challenging task. There are a lot of dependencies in your software and services like database, storage, and connections to log analytics that make it difficult. In this course, you will learn how to easily design and build complex solutions based on the Event-Driven Architecture in the Azure Cloud. You will cover how to design, manage and monitor infrastructure. You will also learn how to select and combine resources like virtual machines and run books, databases, a...Show More
Building a cloud infrastructure can be a challenging task. There are a lot of dependencies in your software and services like da...Show More


Learn the basics of Event-Driven Architecture
Learn how to select the best Azure resources for any situation
Get your hands dirty building and creating Event-Driven Architecture
Learn to build and set up a CI/CD process for your solution
Learn the basics of Event-Driven Architecture

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2 Lessons

Get familiar with key Azure concepts and Event-Driven Architecture for scalable solutions.



1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Azure architectures, Microservices, Serverless apps, and CI/CD processes.
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