About the Author
A brief introduction about the author of this course!
Nicolas P. Rougier
is a full-time research scientist at Inria which is the
French national institute for research in computer science and control. This is
a public scientific and technological establishment (EPST) under the double
supervision of the Research & Education Ministry, and the Ministry of Economy
Finance and Industry. Nicolas P. Rougier is working within the Mnemosyne
project which lies at the frontier between integrative and computational
neuroscience in association with the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases
, the Bordeaux laboratory for research in computer science
(LaBRI), the University of Bordeaux
and the national center for scientific
research (CNRS).
He has been using Python for more than 15 years and NumPy for more than 10
years for modeling in neuroscience, machine learning and for advanced
visualization (OpenGL). Nicolas P. Rougier is the author of several online
resources and tutorials (Matplotlib, NumPy, OpenGL) and he’s teaching Python,
NumPy and scientific visualization at the University of Bordeaux and in various
conferences and schools worldwide (SciPy, EuroScipy, etc). He’s also the author
of the popular article Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures
and a popular
matplotlib tutorial.
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