

Coding Example: How to find if one vector is view of the other?

Coding Example: How to find if one vector is view of the other?

As a conclusion to this chapter, we'll look at one simple case study to find if one vector is view of the other.

Problem Statement

Given two vectors Z1 and Z2. We would like to know if Z2 is a view of Z1 and if yes, what is this view?


Given below is a running example to give you a better understanding:

Press + to interact
import numpy as np
Z1 = np.arange(10) #store a numpy array in `Z1` of size 10 containing values from 1-10
Z2 = Z1[1:-1:2] #store values of alternating indices of Z1 in Z2


The below illustration shows what the two vectors Z1 and Z2 would look like:

   Z1    │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │
   Z2        │ 1 │   │ 3 │   │ 5 │   │ 7 │

Step 1:
