

Scipy & co

Scipy & co

This lesson gives a brief introduction to SciPy library and the additional packages that it offers.

We'll cover the following...

If there are several additional packages for NumPy, there are a trillion additional packages for SciPy. In fact, every domain of science probably has its own package and most of the examples we’ve been studying until now could have been solved in two or three calls to a method in the relevant package.

But of course, that was not the goal and programming things yourself is generally a good exercise if you have some spare time. The biggest difficulty at this point is to find these relevant packages. Here is a very short list of packages that are well-maintained, well-tested and may simplify your scientific life (depending on your domain). There are, of course, many more and depending on your specific needs, chances are you do not have to program everything by yourself. For an extensive list, have a look at the Awesome python list.
