Number Representation
Investigate how to represent numbers in any digital machine.
We'll cover the following...
We have learned that the field of digital signal processing manipulates sequences of numbers. In a digital machine, these numbers can only be represented in a binary format. In the case of fixed-point arithmetic, there is a set procedure that converts a decimal number (e.g., a voltage or current signal) into its binary representation for positive numbers. For example, the number can be written as:
Similarly, its binary equivalent is written as
There are three major formats in use today when dealing with negative numbers.
Sign magnitude
In this system, the most significant bit (MSB) is used as a sign bit—for example, 0 represents a positive number while a 1 represents a negative number. As a consequence, a negative number can simply be obtained by inverting the sign bit of its positive counterpart. A 3-bit example is as follows: