

Become a Technical Writer

Become a Technical Writer

Learn how to become a technical writer and leverage your experience to impress future employers.


Technical writing is a flexible and fantastic career for anyone who is interested in starting their career or making a career change. With all the resources available, school and certifications are not necessarily needed as long as you put the work in and practice. However, if you are looking for formal training, a certificate is a great way to supplement your real-life writing experience.

What do you need to become a technical writer?

As the tech industry expands globally, the demand for technical writers is rapidly increasing. This demand is not just for staff technical writers, but for contract, freelance, and contribution-based writers as well.

Technical writing is a great way to give back to the dev community, make a living, or a little extra money on the side. But first, what do you need to become a technical writer?

Keep in mind that degrees and certificates may help you stand out, but they are not required. ...